vendredi, mars 15, 2013

US paws over Mongolian mining development

Hello my dear followers. I am trying to find some strength to work this morning and saw this news. While reading it something eluded me: why do US gov bother about the environmental and SOCIAL impact on a mining project in a distant country they have few bonds with (in 2006, it's the 175th largest U.S. export market (at $23 million) and its US 123rd largest source of imports (at $114 million)*), and a company they are not evidently related to (Rio Tinto)? Maybe a 5.5 BUSD/year benefit and an almost ready project... only waiting for a World Bank funding (if they dont get the funding they might as well drop the whole thing). It really looks like some international level heist case. Now reading further about Rio Tinto's activity doesn't help to think the company is a trouble maker on its own. So heist or no heist? See for yourself

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